ContentHub is a central system for publishing curated content with universitywide strategic impact. Once a content item is created on ContentHub, it can be syndicated to sites where the item is displayed for users. ContentHub is currently being used for displaying both Majors and Majors Options on college and department websites, and for feeding a central, aggregated Majors Finder on the Undergraduate Admissions website.

To add and sync a Major or Major Option to your Next-Gen CMS site:

  1. In your Next-Gen CMS menu, select "Content->Content Hub->Pull from Content Hub"
  2. For "Channel" select "Content Hub Major" (or "Content Hub Major Option") and search for your respective major or option.
  3. Once the search is complete, select the item you want to sync, then click "synchronize the entity."
  4. Once it has synced,  it will appear on your site where you can link to it like a normal page within any normal link field. 

To add your synced content to your navigation menu

  1. In your Next-Gen CMS menu, select "Structure->Menus->Main Menu->Add Link"
  2. On the "Add Link" Page, choose the text that you want to appear in your menu, then select the synced page from ContentHub in the Link field (it will autocomplete to your synced major). 
  3. Add an optional description, choose a parent page, and give the link a weight for ordering, then click "Save"